Innovative Economic Symposium 2022

Opportunities in post-covid era.

 November 9 - 10, 2022

Setúbal, Portugal

Many thanks to all participants and organizers of the IES 2022.

Looking forward to meeting you again - hopefully in person - next year at IES 2023.

Aims and Objectives

The IES 2022 conference brings together scientists and practitioners in economy, international relations, finance and marketing worldwide. It aims to collect innovative ideas about new trends in business and corporate finance in the current situation of the world economy.

Participants are welcome to present their research results as a conference presentation. Presenting lecturers are encouraged to present their research also as a paper submitted to the SHS Proceedings of Conferences (below).

Main Topics

♦  Reverse logistics, sustainability, recycling

♦  Sustainability: new pathways of learning & teaching and industry involvement 

♦  Economic impacts on business, automation

♦  Use of artificial intelligence in business

♦  Micro & macroeconomic impact on economic indicators and GDP

♦  Impact on the banking sector, international business

♦  Influence on stocks, commodities, circular economy

♦  Labor markets and Human Resources Management

♦  Digital marketing and costumer behavior

♦  Financial Reporting and the role of accounting

♦  Information Systems

♦  Logistics

♦  New technologies across management

 Conference Outputs

Participants are encouraged to share their results in a way of conference presentation. Abstract of the presentations provided by authros will be published as a e-Book of Abstracts.


♦  Book of Abstracts

  A conference Book of Conference Abstracts, as a collection of participants‘ presentation abstracts, will represent an output of the conference for all participants regardless of the fact whether or not they decide to publish their papers in the Conference Proceedings. 
  The Book of Abstracts will be published in the pdf format and provided to all participants per e-mail.

Call for Presentation (Abstracts + Presentations)

♦  Conference Proceedings

Published by SHS Web of Conferences

We encourage participants of the conference to submit results of their research also as a scientific paper to the SHS Conference Proceedings. The conference is seeking submissions of high quality papers related to the anounced conference topics. Only participants who will present their results during the conference (as a presentation) can submit their papers to the Proceedings. 

All submitted papers will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. If a paper is accepted for the peer review process, the author will be informed. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting.

The SHS Conference Proceedings from the IES 2021 has been published in January 2022

Call for Papers